I’m Back!!!

travelHi friends!!! I’ve just returned from Costa Rica :D. I know I’ve been super neglectful the last 3 weeks, but between working late hours to prep for my time off, having a couple of visitors, my brother moving cross country and then finally taking a much needed tropical vacation, I had no time at all.

This was my very first solo vacation!!! I’ve traveled several times by myself, but I’ve always had a destination where friends or family would be waiting for me. But this time I went to an eco-fashion workshop, where 6 strangers were waiting for me! I have to say it was a really really great experience.

Meeting new friends, learning new things, and being far away from a TV or a computer for a week will do WONDERS for you :). So I suggest you TRAVEL friends!

wpid-Photo-Oct-28-2013-934-AM.jpgwpid-Photo-Oct-28-2013-908-PM.jpgI totally miss the beach, fresh exotic fruits everyday, the property dog, colorful birds, and vodka filled late nights. But it gets me really excited for my next adventure.




  1. Jenmarie October 29, 2013 / 3:23 pm

    You are so brace to travel alone! I am glad you had a great time, it must’ve been so refreshing! I could use a vacation myself 🙂

  2. Andrea November 2, 2013 / 1:56 pm

    Those photos look beautiful!
    What did you learn at an eco fashion workshop?
    Thanks for the inspiration.
    Andrea recently posted..Exuma Land (& Food) TourMy Profile

    • Jamillah November 4, 2013 / 5:27 pm

      Hi Andrea,
      Thanks so much for your comment!

      We learned batik painting, weaving on mini looms, beading w/ local seeds and such, weaving w/ palm leaves, and we also saw the dying process of the palms. If you’d like the details please feel free to email me made-to-travel(at)outlook.com.


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