Smile File-Fashion by Mayhem

fashion by mayhem(image @2sisters_angie via the huffington post)

MEET MY NEW OBSESSION…a little girl called Mayhem. I read this article on this super creative mom and daughter duo on instagram on the Huffington Post yesterday and my gawsh did it make me so happy!

Mom @2sisters_angie and the daughter she calls Mayhem make all kinds of beautiful dresses out of construction paper, tulle, foil, whatever is lying around the house and they are truly brilliant!

Some creations are inspired by the runway, some by the red carpet, some from Mayhem’s favorite Disney characters and some are their own random designs, all can be credited to mom and Mayhem’s wonderful imagination.

Looking at mom and Mayhem’s creations made my Thursday! Hope it makes you a happy Friday.

Right now Fashion By Mayhem’s site is down! Presumable from all the well deserved traffic they’re getting, but you can see all the creations on their instagram HERE and some of their posts, on tumblr HERE.

Have a wonderful weekend :D.



  1. Jenmarie February 28, 2014 / 3:18 pm

    Oh my gosh, how adorable! They are so creative. Going to check them out on Instagram πŸ™‚

  2. FASHION TALES March 3, 2014 / 10:32 am

    No way! Mayhem is too cute! SO much creativity going on in those looks as well. πŸ™‚ Her mother has done well!
    FASHION TALES recently posted..Spring RollsMy Profile

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