Good Habits…Green Smoothies

So friends, I received a Vitamix for Christmas and it’s literally changed my life! I am not a terrible eater, I eat a lot of veggies but I think probably not enough of the ones that are amazing for you like kale and red peppers and probably not enough produce in it’s raw form.

But that has all changed! Thank you Vitamix. Below is my favorite combination of fruits and veggies. I’ve been picking my vegetables and fruits pretty specifically, mainly focusing on produce that are high in vitamin c (did you know red bell peppers and pineapples more vitamin c than an orange!). It’s just the greatest to be eating the actual serving of fruits and vegetables I’m suppose to be eating! And I’ve already noticed the benefits of adding more vegetation to my life.

For instance, I totally crave more vegetables and fruits even though I’m actually eating  more veggies and fruits than ever before! My skin is GREAT! Sleeping habits better…weirrrd, but pretty rad!


Fave smoothie (above): handful of spinach / handful of kale / 1-red bell pepper / 2 large pieces of pineapple / 1- banana / a bit of water

My other go to green smoothies:

  • handful of frozen strawberries / 5-7 baby carrots / handful of kale / 1- banana / a bit of water or ice
  • about an inch cube of ginger / handful of kale / half a peeled lemon / 1- granny smith apple / honey / a bit of water or ice
  • 2 large pieces of pineapple / about an inch cube of ginger / 1-red bell pepper / 1 – fuji apple / a handful of spinach / handful of kale / a bit of water or ice
  • 2 stalks of celery / 1 – granny smith apple / handful of kale / a quarter peeled lime / a bit of water or ice

Some tips for smoothie making!:

Keep it frozen!: Something like strawberries get a little mangy fast, so freeze them! They totally keep and it also makes your smoothie nice and cold.

Honey: Honey is your friend, if something is a bit too bitter then I just add a teeny bit of honey and it makes it all better.

Experiment!: As you can probably see from my descriptions, I do not measure in any kind of rigid way, if you feel like something needs more citrus add some lemon, not sweet enough another pineapple piece.

Prepare: It really takes no time at all to make a smoothie, but prepping the produce can be a pain every day…get it all done at one time. At the longest to wash and mince everything that needs prepping takes me about 15-20 minutes then it’s all out of the way, then stick it in the fridge or freezer and you’ll be ready to make a smoothie anytime.

So friends are you in the habit of drinking green smoothies? Do you want to get into the habit?!



  1. Jenmarie February 8, 2014 / 1:35 am

    Mmmm! I so want a smoothie now. It’s so great that you’re incorporating more natural foods into your daily eating habits 🙂

  2. Femke February 11, 2014 / 2:52 pm

    Love these smoothie combinations! I will definitely try them! Since the new year started I’m also trying to make a smoothie each morning, it’s so easy, healthy and most important: SO YUM!

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