John Oliver on Fast Fashion

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I was watching HBO with my dad over the weekend and was thrilled to see a 17 minute segment on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver that took on fast fashion in a brilliant way.

Oliver makes some really great points my favorite being:

This is going to keep happening as long as we let it, so we need to show clothing brands not just that we care but why they should…

WORD, Mr. Oliver…word!

John Oliver made a point to show horrible events like Rana Plaza keep happening and retailers maintain the same excuses by shifting blame to contractors claiming they had no idea their clothes were made this way because the factory was arranged by a third party. What these retailers completely miss is that they should know and CARE about how their items are made and they ARE responsible. Cheers to you Mr. Oliver!

You can see the brilliant and hilarious piece right here:



    • Jamillah May 5, 2015 / 3:00 pm

      Jane!!! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Also I owe you an email! Sorry! Things got so ahead of me…will email you tonights xoxoxo

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