I Heart the Internet-Links



Book Review : In honor of my favorite vacation spot and my 2nd recent trip to Iceland, I’d like to give this big virtual hug to the book LoveStar, by Icelandic writer Andri Magnason. LoveStar is sweet, brilliant and nail biting all at the same time…an amazing novel with a fresh take on what life could be like in the future–HIGHLY RECOMMEND.

Now friends please enjoy some of the reasons I hearted the internet recently.

  • THANK YOU INTERNET! for giving a guide to pairing necklaces with necklines.
  • Marking my calendar for when this event comes to NY!
  • I know I’ve been sharing a lot of makeup tutorials, but truly my skills are so limited! I’m really thankful for the internet in these times….here’s another good one! How to easy contour with powder bronzer.
  • This affordable ethical brand is usually too sweet for my personal style, but their A/W collection is AMAZING. Loving everything!
  • Okay, I think we’ve all been there. If you haven’t…WOW! 5 Ways to survive before your next check.
  • Lastly one of my fave DIY bloggers shared the reason why she’s been absent for 2 years: “The #EndTheStigma campaign is simple: change your Facebook profile picture to the icon above (or one of the cover photos on the official website) to show your friends struggling with mental illness that you care and that they are not alone. If you want to learn more, visit www.endthestigmatoday.com and like the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/EndTheStigma2014! Please share and don’t forget to use the hashtag to help spread the word!”- Doing my part by sharing with you.

