Good Habits: Reduce Your Waste

a day without waste-plastic bags

Global Citizens and Ekocycle are partnering together for a Day Without Waste today. I think we all know the amount of trash is staggering and having this one day to take a look at how we approach waste and what we can do to get into the habit of being less wasteful is a great start!

Tips on Reducing Your Waste

  • Always have a tote!!! There are plenty of compact totes like the one below, that you can keep in your purse or put on a key chain…I also keep a couple of totes at my desk  in the office, so even if it’s a quick trip to buy toilet paper at CVS I’m totally prepared.

(reusable/foldable bag $5.99 here)

  • Get a HANDY reusable water bottle!– I LOVE my bubi ( best water bottle ever post here) because it can be rolled into a nice little ball and fits in my purse.
  • Utensils! – Plastic utensils will out live you and probably your grandchildren! Don’t get them when you have lovely functioning silverware at home. Bring in a set of utensils and keep them at your desk.
  • Get a To Go Cup: I bring my coffee every morning to work in a to go cup, but if you don’t want to make coffee yourself, you can bring a to go cup to your Starbucks and they’ll happily fill it.
  • Use Rechargeable: I need to get on this one too…My bro came to visit and he busted out his rechargeable batteries and I was totally jealous that I didn’t have a set.

So friends! Do you have any handy tricks on how you reduce your waste?!


1 Comment

  1. Stina February 26, 2017 / 10:33 pm

    A meaningful post, reduce use of plastic is better for our environment, because of waste plastic pollutes our surroundings.

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