Smile File: First Selfies

Uncle Joe Byron, Pirie MacDonald, Colonel Marceau, Pop Core, Ben Falk-New York Dec. 1920.

Uncle Joe Byron, Pirie MacDonald, Colonel Marceau, Pop Core, Ben Falk-New York December 1920.

I just think these early selfies are THE BEST!!! Love that guy second from the left :). This selfie was taken by a group of photographers in New York in the 1920’s…these guys were so clearly ahead of their time.

Also I love the guys below captured taking a selfie…so millennial!

[Joseph Byron, Self Portrait, 1909.]Or how about this selfie from photographer Joseph Byron in 1909!?! So rad!

I think it’s really cool to see something we associate as very now also exist over a hundred years ago. For me, as sappy as it might sound, it feels like we’re connected and not so different than those people who lived and loved and laughed all those years ago.

Which makes me think we’re also probably not so different from each other right now :).

Just a happy thought for your Friday, my friends!

( images via Museum of the City of New York)



  1. Jenmarie April 4, 2014 / 12:43 pm

    This was so unexpected! I love it!! I don’t think most people would ever stop to wonder if people took photos like this back in the day.

  2. THE-LOUDMOUTH April 4, 2014 / 3:31 pm

    It’s funny, I was actually thinking of the term ‘selfie’ the other day and how we’ve actually been taking them for years but didn’t call them that. I remember during the MySpace age I would just call it taking a picture ‘MySpace-style’ because that was how everyone took their profile pictures. I actually think it’s a really cool movement because it shows that people are starting to feel more secure in themselves and want to show off!
    THE-LOUDMOUTH recently posted..Lessons :: Friday Feelings / 3My Profile

    • Jamillah April 8, 2014 / 9:17 am

      I sure hope that’s true, friend :). Go selfies!

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