Good Habits: Think Positive!

positive affirmations(image via Rookie here)

Friends, have you tapped into the power of your thoughts? I read this fantastic post on Rookie a while ago and bookmarked it because I felt it was really special and intimate. The author of the post, Pixie, shares her personal experience with positive affirmations and I found her realizations after genuinely trying to put them into practice quite profound.

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I feel positive affirmations get a bit of bad rap for being hokey and trite. But I honestly have gotten a lot of value from practicing saying kind things to myself.

I think in general, women especially, have taken to being our worst critic and bully (check this post) and I am super super guilty of that. But with the help of telling myself positive affirmations I’ve really been able to quiet those negative thoughts and I can actually feel when I’m starting to be overly mean to myself and then really try to change those thoughts into more forgiving ones.

(image source Allison Smith here)

I think for me the practice of being positive has really helped me to be more in control of my mind in general and the benefits spill over to everything from my professional life to choosing what I wear in the morning. It’s kind of crazy to feel your experience change by just changing your state of mind.

So why not try being kind to yourself?!? Get into the habit of thinking positively about yourself everyday, even the harder days, in fact especially the harder days!

On your way to work, tell yourself sweet things-I am pretty, I am doing my best, I am capable, I am a good person…and see where those thoughts take you :).


1 Comment

  1. Jenmarie July 18, 2013 / 12:47 pm

    Great post, dear! It’s true that we can get used to negative thoughts quickly. I never want to get to that point!

    P.S. I wrote a post that goes well with this one today called “Love Your Body”. You may like it 😉

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