Consciously Trending…More Metals

So friends, you may have seen my penchant for gold, well my love of metallics does not stop there!

I had been looking for a metallic skirt that kind of had the feel of liquid metal and I happened on this skirt while thrifting at Beacon’s Closet (psst you can shop online).

I think adding a little metallic is an easy way to add edge and modernity into an outfit. Something about wearing metal as clothing is straight up hot to me! I think it has something to do with how unnatural it is…I mean apparel isn’t supposed to be made of gold and silver so I think there is a little fantasy and a little future in wearing them.

Soooo I discovered (probably late) that Etsy now has a pin button on all their item listings. Which is raaaaad! It pins the item, item description and price. So I decided to browse and pin a bit for you guys since I think this is a trend that is easily thrifted.

Below is my Consciously Trending…Metals pin board. Enjoy browsing!

Also don’t forget I have a Spring Givaway 🙂

You can win this guy!



  1. FASHION TALES April 4, 2012 / 11:04 pm

    I love metal additions to an outfit. I think it has a bit of magical aesthetic, but can also add much needed edge to a look. Your skirt looks great on you, (I love it with the oversize knit). Hope your week is going amazing.
    FASHION TALES recently posted..DIY: Easy Tricks To Give your Garments a KickMy Profile

    • Jamillah April 5, 2012 / 10:49 am

      Yes hot stuff! Get yo’ metal on!

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